The Saker: NWO Meltdown, Russia Stronger Than Ever

New World Order in Meltdown, But Russia Stronger Than Ever Jon Hellevig Having at least a working knowledge of seven languages (English, Russian, Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, German, and French), Hellevig has been able to follow first-hand the news across the Western hemisphere. Doing so, he realized a decade or so ago, that all the Western …

Berto Jongman: Zionists Go After White Supremacists (PBI: Via Captive FBI)

The Fight in the Right: It is Time to Tackle White Supremacist Terrorism Globally A report from the Anti-Defamation League reports, “In 2018, domestic extremists killed at least 50 people in the U.S., a sharp increase from the 37 extremist-related murders documented in 2017,” and that “White supremacists were responsible for the great majority of …