Oscar Abudara Bini: False Flag State-Sponsored Terrorism — An Overview

Published in full text with permission. Downloadable printable document (15 pages) : Abudara False Flag State-Sponsored Terrorism The Era of Terrorism Collaboration submitted for the 17th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center (Washington DC, September 11, 2018) By Dr. Oscar Abudara Bini, Coordinator of the Observatory for Comparative …

Preston James: Secret ET Global Takedown or just another Internecine Illuminati War?

Secret ET Global Takedown or just another Internecine Illuminati War? If you think the Deep-Black Secret Space War Program is the deepest of the Secret Shadow Government secrets, you would be mistaken. There is a whole other deeper category referred to as Beyond-Black and these are solely contained in special access unacknowledged programs, not even …

Yoda: Introducing the Galactic Confederation of Stellar Nations

 Phi Beta Iota: Recommended as a notional construct. The real thing appears to be much more violent and nuanced. Some sort of cosmic turning appears to have started in 2012 and is accelerasting in 2018. We have no direct knowledge. See Especially: Review: Project Human Extinction – The Ultimate Conspiracy See Also: extraterrestrial @ …