Review (Publisher): Corporate Crime and Punishment: The Crisis of Underenforcement

In the early 2000s, federal enforcement efforts sent white collar criminals at Enron and WorldCom to prison. But since the 2008 financial collapse, this famously hasn’t happened. Corporations have been permitted to enter into deferred prosecution agreements and avoid criminal convictions, in part due to a mistaken assumption that leniency would encourage cooperation and because …

Robert Steele: After Great Reset Fails, Inclusive Capitalism Brings Us Feudalism 2.0 — Own Nothing, Lease Everything, Digital Cash, Social Credit, You are Nothing. UPDATE 1

Zero Hedge: Group Overseeing $10 Trillion, Called “Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism”, Signs Partnership With The Vatican ROBERT STEELE: This is a “who’s who” for the 1% and this is the most dangerous alliance to be created in modern time. It must be killed early and its individual “leaders” removed from public life forevermore. I noticed …

Review: In Search of Gold – Recovery of Yamashita”s Gold [in the Philippines]

5 Star – Riveting First Person Account I know the author personally, and was introduced to him by Sterling Seagrave (RIP), whom I also knew personally. Sterling was for me the top chronicler of Asian history both sordid and splendid. One of his books (linked below) that comes with three CDs of maps, photos, and …

Mongoose: DiD Quantum Financial System Just Wipe Out White Collar Crime at Least Among Banks?

We have no direct knowledge. This is both possible and interesting. “The Quantum Computer Did It Again” by Ron Giles Alert Reader comments: If true about the SWIFT system taking our funds and using them this dwarfs anything yet.  My test gives just I & my wife over the last 30 years $57,000 in overnight …