Kosmos: Life within the Cosmic Ecology

Editorial (Nancy Roof) Excerpt | Who Do We Choose to Be? (Margaret Wheatley) Excerpt | We Are Bio-Cosmic Beings Learning to Live in a Living Universe  (Duane Elgin) Excerpt | Liminal Leadership (Nora Bateson) Excerpt | The Soul of Education (Rachel Kessler) Excerpt | The Soul of Humanity and the New Civilization (Nancy Seifer)

Robert Steele: Snap-Shot of the Zionist Attack Machine — Six Ways, 90 Days

Ever since Cynthia McKinney and I posted the bumper stick below the fold, we have been under attack. I list the six ways in which we have been attacked — the latest being Kasperky labeling us an “XXX” site, most probably because Kaspersky, like YouTube, is too lazy to vet false reports, especially when they …

Parag Khanna: Our Asian Future … and More

Believe it or not, we are nearing one year since last November’s presidential election. Since then, populism seems to have triumphed over pragmatism in every corner of American policy-making. But whereas many expected 2016’s Brexit and Trump shocks to inspire a populist wave across the Western world, this year’s French and German elections fortunately proved …

Worth a Look: The Real Game Of Politics, Help President Trump Make America Great Again

This book is for conservatives who are tired of being lied to by fake Republicans who run as “Campaign Conservatives” (in the words of Texas Senator Ted Cruz) and who want to do something to “change” these fake Republicans by taking them out of their current office in the upcoming 2018 primary elections and beyond. …