Journal: Weak Signals–Triple Crash?

Phi Beta Iota: Reprinted in full to allow emphasis and easier reading.  Original source at logo, “as is.”  Recommended by our physical gold colleagues. ______________________________________ Several financial events this week indicate something big is about to happen, something that may make the 2008 credit crisis seem rather benign.  First, the IMF announced that it is …

SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 1 Dec 09

Hot Topics AA: Calderon: Drugs Can’t Be Eliminated but Crime Can 11/27/09 AA: Ibero-American countries form cross-border crime fighting alliance 11/26/09 BR: Jobs, economics complicate Brazil’s Amazon fight 11/26/09 BR: Iranian Leader’s Visit to Brazil Takes the Gloss off Lula’s International Image 11/29/09 CO: Colombian Warlord Shows Up at Hearing with $100K for Victims 12/01/09 …