Journal: U.S. Air Force–Remote from War & Reality

Unmanned limits: Robotic systems can’t replace a pilot’s gut instinct BY COL. JAMES JINNETTE, USAF Unmanned combat systems have fundamental limitations that can make their technology a war-losing proposition. These limitations involve network vulnerabilities, release consent judgment and, most importantly, creative capacity during air combat and close air support (CAS) missions. Although futurists might assume …

Journal: Taming the Informal Shadow Government

What do the MICC, the Collapse of the Berlin Wall, and the Financial Meltdown Have in Common? I strongly recommend that readers study carefully the attached article by Janine Wedel.  She analyzes the emergence of self-organizing government – industry networks in the post communist states and then compares these structures to the very similar emergence of …

Journal: Out of Touch with Reality III

Chuck Spinney Sends… America’s diplomatic recipe for winning the hearts and minds of “furriners” in the 21st Century: Mix –  Blind unreasoning fear with the Domestic politics of privatizing embassy protection and the Domestic politics of huge construction contracts into neat grand-strategic soufflé, then bake it in the domestic political-economic oven of heated by the coals of the …

Event: 22-23 Oct 09 Rotterdam International Cloud Symposium

The theme of “The Future of Cloud Computing” highlights many of the modern technology innovations that are being developed in support of Cloud-based services. As a co-located conference being held in conjunction with the 2nd International SOA Symposium, this event further addresses the ever-widening convergence between SOA and Cloud-based services. Click on the cloud for …

Journal: Integrity, Afghanistan, & The White House

SMALL WARS JOURNAL This Week at War: America’s Last Counterinsurgent? McChrystal report unwittingly slays counterinsurgency doctrine September 25, 2009 Robert Haddock This summer the U.S. government has faced a deteriorating crisis in Afghanistan. Such crises tend to force policymakers to face up to the facile assumptions they have previously made. Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s report to …