Robert Steele: The Cyber Brief (Mike Hayden & Michael Morell) Is Full of Crap — Fake News — Traitors Spinning Lies — While Barack Obama Blows Smoke on “Flying Blind”

One of my contributing editors keeps sending me bits from The Cipher Brief — I have tended to ignore them, but the recent two pieces, one by Mike Hayden and the other by Michael Morell, are such utter crap that I feel compelled to address them. I cannot say this any more clearly. Mike Hayden …

Jon Rappoport: Death Notice – Mainstream News = Fake News = Dead, Dead, Dead…

Posted in full with permission. The Spiritually Dead gatekeepers of mainstream news By Jon Rappoport, NoMoreFakeNews A new series of realities is on the way. Centralized information-reality is on the way out. It’s going to be thrills and chills. Major newspapers are dying. The internet is crushing them. And yet, if the NY Times and …

Robert Steele: NYT (David Sanger, Scott Shane) WashPost (Adam Entous, Ellen Nakashima, Greg Miller) Full of Crap – Fake News — Russians Did Not Hack Election UPDATE 2

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House Russia Hacked Republican Committee but Kept Data, U.S. Concludes The Obama Administration is being duplicitous at the last minute before the Electoral College meets on 19 December 2016, the CIA is lying, the “intelligence” is being fabricated, and both the New York …

Jon Rappoport: MKULTRA Super-Sized – CIA’s Plans to Dumb Down & Mentally Incapacitate Entire Populations

Phi Beta Iota: In this one instance, we consider this post by Jon Rappoport to be so very important that we are reproducing it in full — with permission — to provide a back-up copy and enable our readers to grasp the entirety of his offering without having to click through. Jon Rappoport is a …

Review: We Kill Because We Can – From Soldiering to Assassination in the Drone Age

Laurie Calhoun Cultural-Ethical-Legal-Practical Indictment of US Drone Assassination Program, November 23, 2016 This is one of three books on drone assassination that I am reviewing, the other two are Sudden Justice: America’s Secret Drone Wars (Terrorism and Global Justice) and Drones and the Future of Armed Conflict: Ethical, Legal, and Strategic Implications. I was limited …

John Robb: Plan to Force Donald Trump to Resign or Be Impeached? UPDATE 1 Greens Funded to Challenge Trump Victory; Teachers Against Trump Mobilizing Students Toward National Strike?

Trump’s Insurgency creates our Tahrir Square Moment Open source insurgencies and protests can arise spontaneously and they are very hard to stop once they get going since they are impervious to most forms of repressive counter-attack and political subversion. This uptick in insults directed at minorities blamed on Trump, may be the tinder for setting off …

Robert Steele: “Whites Only” Grafitti Part of the Soros “Purple Revolution” Subversion Plan?

I am watching with astonishment as everyone rushes to assume that the “Trump Nation Whites Only” grafitti was done by a supporter of Donald Trump.  How stupid do you have  to be? George Soros is executing a “color revolution” against Donald Trump and the Republican Party, and they are foolishly not calling him out on …