Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Eben Moglen

Professor Eben Moglen is a long-standing champion of free and open source software and one of the top twelve to twenty-five minds thinking deeply in the English language about the future of the Internet consistent with creating a prosperous world at peace.  Among many other accomplishments, including global mind-melds in multiple languages, Professor Moglen is …

Indications & Warning: Army Spirit and Public Fat

Army’s “Spiritual Fitness” Test Comes Under Fire Jason Leopold TruthOut Wednesday 05 January 2011 Test Was Designed by Psychologist Who Inspired CIA’s Torture Program An experimental, Army mental-health, fitness initiative designed by the same psychologist whose work heavily influenced the psychological aspects of the Bush administration’s torture program is under fire by civil rights groups …

Reference: Citizenship Versus Transpartisanship

TRANSPARTISANSHIP AND MOVING BEYOND PARTISANSHIP by Tom Atlee What is “transpartisanship”?  In its most common usage, “transpartisan” seems to refer to partisans from across the political spectrum coming together in civil conversation. I love the term, but find myself thinking of it as a transitional phenomenon.  A partisan is a strong (even militant) supporter of …