Journal: Michael Scheuer Slams Brennan, Tenet, Berger on CNN

Michael F. Scheuer former chief of the Al Qaeda analytic station, just slammed John Brennan, George Tenet, and Sandy Berger on CNN (12:50 Eastern time).  He stated that among those who died in Afghanistan recently was the officer who devised a workable plan for eliminating Osama Bin Laden, a plan that was cancelled by Brennan, …

EUCOM Week in Review Ending 30 December 2009

Hot Topics AA: Instability in Iran negative for Azerbaijan, political scientist 12/29/09 AA: Lebanon’s Druze leader urges Israeli Druze not to serve in IDF 12/29/09 AA: National Intelligence Estimate Targets Organized Crime 12/28/09 AA: Switzerland spoiled Turkey’s EU dream 12/29/09 AM: Armenia – FY 2009 Results Summed Up by the Head of Government 12/28/09 AZ: …

Journal: Resources on Terrorism and Jihad

A 9/11 in Indonesia: JI’s planned aviation attack: info Noordin Top’s laptop Countering terrorist ideology: the ideological response unit (Singapore) Global (Terrorism) Pathfinder (Singapore) The ICPVTR Terrorism Database – Global Pathfinder – is a one-stop repository for information on the current and emerging terrorist threat. The database focuses on terrorism and political violence in the …

Review: The Occupation of Iraq: Winning the War, Losing the Peace

Phenomenal–Ref A Relevant to Everywhere Else December 21, 2009 Ali A. Allawi The author has achieved extraordinary synthesis and summation, with gifted straight-forward language.This book is not only a capstone reference, but demonstrates why we need to LISTEN–none of us could learn–in a lifetime–all that this author has in his head. That’s why multinational engagement …