Owl: Saudis Killing Fracking – No Floor Price in Sight for Oil

End of Fracking Revolution May Be Very Near The recent drop in oil prices is not likely temporary, as indicated in this article. That’s because the real target of OPEC is widespread fracking operations in North America and elsewhere, which OPEC appears to regard as enough of a threat to the oil industry to require …

Owl: Paul Craig Roberts on Paris 12 False Flag Anomalies, Media Complicity

Charlie Hebdo, Another False Flag, Brought to You by the US, with Help From French Intel & Mossad – Roberts Robert’s observations below about the the alleged getaway car driver in the Paris shootings, Hamid Mourad, who turned himself in (which for the time being saved his life) jack up the probability this was a …

Owl: Paris 12 Murder False Flag? Update 2

Paris 12: Mossad False Flag with French Intelligence Complicity? Two items came out earlier to today showing involvement of French intel agencies and/or Mossad. This first item, produced by a former Jew and presently Orthodox Christian monk, of all things, provides astute observations on the attacks as originating from Mossad: