Owl: Putin’s Absence — Putting Down a Coup or Preparing for WWIII?

While so much useless media noise occurred around Netanyahu’s election in Israel, it seems to me that, at the same time, the absence of Vladimir Putin for 10-11 days until recently is peculiar and unsettling, and possibly much more significant in ways the media could or would not openly speculate on. More: DEFCON Warning System …

Owl: Ralph Peters on How Outsiders, Not Insiders, Change the World — Old Guard Blind to the End!

This wise article by Ralph Peters should be sent to every senator and congressperson, especially their staffs, not that there is much hope any of them would gain from the wisdom contained in it. This sample from it is can be offer hope or seem ominous, depending on which side of the fight you are …

Owl: Assassination in Russia — False Flag? NeoCon Money & Russian FSB Renegades? WWIII?

Good News and Bad News: WWW3 Will be a Short War Alexey Navalny, a major opposition leader to Putin, was murdered in Russia, and likely he was a victim of a false flag planned and executed by Western neocons. As Wayne Madsen commented, “Neocons issue their demands for “regime change” in Russia, minutes after Boris …

Owl: John Robb on ISIS as Violence Entrepreneur, Russia Using ISIS to Take Down Saudi Arabia and Lift Oil Prices

John Robb examines how a Wahabi state such as Saudi Arabia can be taken down by super-Wahabi violence entrepreneur ISIS, with a little help from their friends in Russia, or more specifically, the Russian mafia’s hacker legions.  What is unique about his most recent analysis is insisting that the amount of money to be gained …

Owl: Saudi Instability, Pedophilia Taking Hillary Down, Warren as Manchurian Candidate, a Muslim Europe?

A few days ago, in a post mentioned here, John Robb predicted ISIS would invade and take Saudi Arabia in Spring, at the earliest. With King Abdullah dead, http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/22/middleeast/saudi-arabia-king-abdullah-dies/, Robb has changed his forecast and states ISIS will likely take a southern pivot, moving troops from Iraq and Syria, going south after Mecca and Medina, …