NATO on YouTube: Selective Summaries (5)

NATO You-Tube Front Page Phi Beta Iota Summary: Where should NATO go on out-of-area expeditionary operations?  How does NATO define security & stability?  How does NATO achieve balance between territorial defense and expeditionary operations, and between the voice of the big nations and the small nations?  What is defense?  What is 360 degree defense in …

Reference: Strategic Survey 2010 includes Afghanistan

This year’s survey places strong emphasis on the global nature of economic and financial vulernability, and on Afghanistan.  Below is a quote in two sections  from the official press statement releasing the survey to the public. Strategic Survey 2010 does not seek to lay out a new comprehensive strategy for Afghanistan. It does however argue …

Journal: Multinational Transformation

A few thoughts: 1)  Information-sharing and sense-making is “root” for multinational operations. 2)  Education, intelligence, and research must all be open and multinational in nature. 3)  Peaceful preventive measures rooted in open education and intelligence are the foundation. 4)  Precision covert and clandestine multinational operations are the intermediate capability. 5)  Hybrid operations by all eight …

Journal: US Intelligence versus WikiLeaks

U.S. Intelligence planned to destroy WikiLeaks WikiLeaks release: March 15, 2010 Phi Beta Iota: Click on the title to read their description of the SECRET/NOFORN document entitled – An Online Reference to Foreign Intelligence Services, Insurgents, Or Terrorist Groups? dated 18 March 2008, evidently out of the U.S. Army.   The document is no longer …

Seed Money for Ideas Addressing Global Health Challenges–and the Fly in the Milk Bowl

Unorthodox thinking is essential to overcoming the most persistent challenges in global health. Vaccines were first developed over 200 years ago because revolutionary thinkers took an entirely new approach to preventing disease. Grand Challenges Explorations fosters innovation in global health research. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $100 million to encourage scientists worldwide …

Review: Whose Water Is It?–The Unquenchable Thirst of a Water-Hungry World

Core selection, not a substitute for the master works August 28, 2010 Bernadette McDonald and Douglas Jehl (editors) Published by the National Geographic in 2003, this is an edited work with several but not all of the greats brought together. The short pieces are a fine collage for undergraduate reading and discussion but the book …