Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Carol Dumaine

Ms. Carol Dumaine is one of a very small number of individuals who have sought to pursue what Gifford Pinchot calls “intrapreneurship,” but on a global scale. She first came to international attention when she pioneered Global Futures Partnership, an analytic endeavor seeking to enhance outreach and cross-fertilization across varied communities of practice. She received …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Interpreting Turkey’s Vote

Turkey Update. Prime Minister Erdogan declared victory on Sunday, 12 September, as voters approved a constitutional reform package in a highly debated referendum that will restructure the judiciary and curb military powers. The referendum was regarded as a vote of confidence in Erdogan’s government. Prime Minister Erdogan dismissed concerns about his government moving towards an …

Event: 7-12 Nov Orlando FL Emerging Technologies In Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing

The buzz continues—agile, cloud computing, text analytics, virtualization, open source, cool BI, Web 2.0, social media, mobile BI. But what do these terms really mean for business intelligence and data warehousing? It’s been difficult enough to implement effective and valuable BI/DW solutions with existing technologies. Will these emerging technologies make your job easier or harder? …

Journal: UN on Food Security, It’s All Connected

Renewed instability in global food markets requires urgent response, UN expert said An independent United Nations human rights expert today called on governments and the international community to promptly tackle the renewed instability of global food markets, noting the related social unrest that has hit some countries in recent weeks. Tip of the Hat to …