Review: Endless War–Middle-Eastern Islam vs. Western Civilization

27 March 2010: Full spread sheet and optimal links added below Amazon review.GOT TO RUN, Links later today. Beyond Five Stars…Gifted Mix of Intelligence, Integrity, Insight Deeply Rooted in History and Firmly Focused on Today’s Reality March 21, 2010 Ralph Peters I do not always agree with Ralph Peters, but along with Steve Metz and …

Journal: Pollard, USS Liberty, & The Big Truth

In American politics, the interests of two powerful factions are never questioned by an adoring, pusillanimous Congress: the US Military (really the political-economy of the Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex) and Israel (a foreign country represented by the Israeli lobby and its domestic allies).  To date, the interests and welfare of these two factions …

Worth a Look: Recent Additions

Phi Beta Iota dates materials such as handbooks to their date of original publication.  When warranted, we will highlight new additions that are not visible to visitors because of our practice. See for instance: Handbook: Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism (UNODC, April 2009) Handbook: Open Source Intelligence Professional Handbook, Joint Military Intelligence Training Center, Defense …

Journal: Joe Mazzafro, USN (Ret), on IC Performance

How Should We Measure Intelligence Community Performance?, by Joseph Mazzafro. As the Congress and the DC dignitary debate if health care is affordable given the nation’s first trillion dollar annual debit incursion, I am wondering where the money would come from should the United States need to defend its national interests against another Al Qaeda …

Journal: Plain Speaking About Washington Scams

Culture & Technology Dark Visions? Cyberspace In Words And Warfare by Tim StevensThe facts of cyberterrorism, or state-sponsored cyberattacks, are heavily-guarded by national security protocols, but the case has yet to be made that these are really significant risks, despite what you hear senior officials say.  And this is the point: you cannot use the darkest …

Worth a Look: Suicide Terrorist Database and Technology for Transparency

Robert Pape, author of the rather sensationally insightful book, Dying to Win–The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism has just put his database online in beta form.  Tip of the hat to Berto Jongman for the lead. Global voices online are leveraging hand-held and other technologies to make transparent both the good and the bad at …