2010 INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability

KINDLE with Active Links Hard Copy: Book’s Amazon Page ($16.93) A massive cultural tsunami is sweeping round the world as the five billion poor acquire Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and the one billion rich realize that the era of Empire Rule Of, By, and For the Few is over. Happily, this is a revolution …

MILNET Headlines, 3 March 2010

Animals at War:  Bomb Dog Suffers from Stress Bad Business:  Microsoft CEO: Google Merits Regulatory Scrutiny Bad Government I:  Politically Correct Killing? Bad Government II:  Obama Now Selling Judgeships for Health Care Votes Bad Government III:  White House Land Grab Bad Government IV:  How Reconciliation Works in Congress Bad Judgment:  JFK tower allowed a kid …

Journal: Is US Destabilizing Baluchistan to Take Over Gwadar Port? Is the Terrorist Iran Just Captured a CIA Asset? Is China Going to Sit Still?

The Battle for Baluchistan: Iran Nabs Top NATO Terrorist with Help from Pakistan February 25, 2010 On Tuesday Feb. 23, Iran announced the capture of Abdulmalek Rigi, the boss of the terror organization Jundullah, which works for NATO. The capture of Rigi represents a serious setback for the US-UK strategy of using false flag state-sponsored …

MILNET Headlines, 25 February 2010

Afghanistan:  Night Raids Violate Afghans’ Deepest Moral Code Cloud:  Ranum& Peterson Vidoe on Cloud Computing Commentary:  Opinion: Running Out of Time Copyright:  New ACTA Leak–U.S., Korea, Singapore, Denmark Do Not Support  Transparency Cyber-Security:  Cybersecurity Coordinator Lacks Accountability Cyber-Security:  Federal Regulation Urged on Cybersecurity Cyber-Security:  Software Defects Threaten Census Rollout Cyber-Security:  US Would Lose Cyberwar Cyber-Security: …

MILNET Headlines, 24 February 2010

Bush-Obama Share Lawyers:  My Gift to President Obama Corporate Misbehavior:  Blackwater in Kabul, or Eric Cartman gets an AK-47 Corporate Misbehavior: Microsoft Takes Down Whistleblower Site, Read the Secret Doc Here Corporate Misbehavior: Must Watch TV: Blackwater’s ‘Team South Park’ vs the Senate Cyber-Security: Avoiding a Digital Dark Age Cyber-Security: Determining the motives for cyberattacks …