MILNET Headlines, 23 February 2010

ClimateGate as Crime:  Climategate Meets the Law, Senator Calls for Criminal Investigation Commentary:  Beware of ‘Comprehensive’ Anything Cuber-Security:  Who runs cyber policy? Cyber-Security:  ‘Sophisticated’ Hack Hit Intel in January Cyber-Security:  Cyber attacks will ‘catastrophically’ spook public, warns GCHQ Iraq:  Iraq watchdog proposes new agency to manage reconstruction US Congress:  Two Million So Congress Can Watch …

Review: Willful Neglect–The Dangerous Illusion of Homeland Security

Final Review: Ground-Level View of Obvious Vulnerabilities and a General Failure to Protect February 10, 2010 [final review 21 February] Sam Faddis My own new book is finally at the printer, INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainaabilty and I am really enjoying getting back into serial reading. I totally respected and agreed with …

Review: Come Home America: The Rise and Fall (and Redeeming Promise) of Our Country

Read Fire Side Chat Review–This is Supplemental February 20, 2010 William Greider Very rarely do I find reviews as lengthy as my own. Please read and appreciate the Fireside Chat review that is deservedly popular with readers. I first encountered William Greider while managing the international conference on “National Security and National Competitiveness: Open Source …

Review: The Idea that is America–Keeping Faith With Our Values in a Dangerous World

Best of Intentions, Good Individual Effort, February 20, 2010 Anne-Marie Slaughter Now that my own book INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainaabilty is at the printer am back into reading and really looking forward to catching up with the 25 books on my “to do” shelf. This one jumped to the top of …

MILNET Headlines 15 February 2010

Cyber-Security: DISA to establish safe haven outside the Internet Cyber-Security: U.S. Internet security plan revamped Threat-China: The Last Shuttle and the Rise of China Threat-China: Who needs aircraft carriers and cruise missiles when you have IOUs? Threat-China: Why China’s Naval Rise Could Help The World Threat-Google: Google Buzz Abandons Auto-Following Amid Privacy Concerns Threat-Google: Too …