The Steele Report Questions for Saturday – Subscribe If You Want To Hear Answers!

Below are the questions I will answer tomorrow at The Steele  Report. Subscribers get to ask questions each week that are always answered. Subscribe at 1. Why wouldn’t china now use supersonic torpedos on our carriers @ Tiawon & EMP on the US preceeding a red dawn invassion to take our land? Any or …

Mongoose: New England Journal of Medicine Commits Suicide with a Deep State Article So Profoundly Unethical and Unscientific as to Suggest the Journal Should Be Retired

Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 Michelle M. Mello, J.D., Ph.D., Ross D. Silverman, J.D., M.P.H., and Saad B. Omer, M.B., B.S., M.P.H., Ph.D. One option for increasing vaccine uptake is to require it. Mandatory vaccination has proven effective in ensuring high childhood immunization rates in many high-income countries. However, except for influenza vaccination of …

Richard Cordero: Proposal for Reuter’s Investigation of Federal Judges for Corruption & Abuse of Power

A proposal to extend Reuters’s investigation of state judges, which found “hardwired judicial corruption”, to federal judges, who have institutionalized their abuse of power as their modus operandi, running the Federal Judiciary as a racketeering enterprise, whose exposure can so outrage a public intolerant of abuse of powerthat the public forces the issue into the …

Chuck Baldwin: The Evangelical Church Is Helping To Create Another Nation Of Slaves

The Evangelical Church Is Helping To Create Another Nation Of Slaves The doctrines of Christian Zionism that would have us sit around and wait for an Israel-based “Rapture,” all the while going along with the Machiavellian machinations of would-be tyrants, are, to put it mildly, NOT of God. Furthermore, the idea of free men in …

State of the Nation: COVID-19 CURE PROTOCOL: Texas Physician Treats Coronavirus Patients with 100% Success Rate

A Texas Doctor Finds a Cure for COVID-19 As his cure protocol is disseminated far and wide, Dr. Richard Bartlett is facing major medical system pushback.  Big Pharma is colluding with Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates to squelch this simple remedy and every other medication that reverses COVID-19. Their conspiratorial plot to foist an unproven, …