Ray McGovern: Russian “Bounties” the New Deep State Lie — Last Frantic Gasp from RussiaGate

RAY McGOVERN: Russiagate’s Last Gasp One can read this most recent flurry of Russia, Russia, Russia paid the Taliban to kill GIs as an attempt to pre-empt the findings into Russiagate’s origins. Late last night the president tweeted: “Intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible, and therefore did not …

Mongoose: COVID-19 As Gateway to the Planned New World Order — You Have No Rights. Wear the Mask and Be Still.

Tip of the Hat to Ray Songtree.  We Are Being Played. Please Read. NOTICE HOW COVID LINKS TO EVERY SINGLE WHEEL. THAT IS BECAUSE COVID IS THE GATEWAY TO THIS NEW WORLD ORDER. “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will …

Robert Steele: Legitimate Grievances, Scattered Protests — From Sedition to Reform?

The Main Street Manifesto Nouriel Roubini A vast underclass of increasingly indebted, socially immobile Americans – African-Americans, Latinos, and, increasingly, whites – is revolting against a system that has failed it. This phenomenon is not limited to the US, of course. In 2019 alone, massive demonstrations rocked Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, France, Hong Kong, India, Iran, …

Dan Shultz: How to Cleanse the GOP of RINOs Who Hate Trump

Just 1,269 Republicans (plus a few more for good measure) of 2,537 delegates who bothered to participate out of a total of about 3,500 delegates who could have participated out of approximately 165,000 Republicans in Virginia’s 5th Congressional district (just over 165,000 Virginians in the district in 2018 voted to elect Riggleman) decided whether the …

Donald J. Trump: Recent Accomplishments Not in Media

Alert Reader offers below. WHILE MAINSTREAM MEDIA CALLS OUR PRESIDENT A BAFOON… HERE IS WHAT HE ACCOMPLISHED THIS WEEK: While the msm works tirelessly to make Donald Trump out to be a buffoon, over the last week DT did the following, but you probably won’t hear about it: