Lynn Wheler: NASA Adopts IC Security Standards, Loses 100 Scientists Doing Unclassified Work

Security Obsession Drives 100 Scientists from NASA Top Security Clearance Needed to Help Steer the Curiosity Rover? EXTRACT 1: Thanks to the zealous wackos at the Department of Homeland Security, back in 2007 during the latter part of the Bush administration an order went out that all workers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena–an …

Berto Jongman: Cybersummit 2012: CYBERSECURITY: A GLOBAL ASSESSMENT

The world is rapidly deploying ever-new applications and services that make use of ICT. As a result, global connectivity and interdependence are not only enablers for everyone who wants to compete, but also a requirement for basic participation in the global economy. The stakes for trust in cyberspace are as high as ever in the …

DefDog: Wired on NYPost Being Retarded – Homework in Class on Terrorism a Threat to National Security – Comment by Robert Steele

NY Post Pisses Its Pants Over Terrorism Homework; And You Should Too Ryan Singel WIRED, 29 October 2012 The New York Post is quivering in fear and outrage over a graduate level course for intelligence analysts that requires students to write a fake terrorism plot, complete with methods of execution, sources of funding, number of …

Berto Jongman: 28-30 November 2012 Berlin Security & Defence Learning

INNOVATION AND LEARNING FOR CHANGE 8th International Forum on Technology Assisted Larning and Training for Defence, Security, and Emergency Services Berlin, 28-30 November 2012 Innovation and learning in rapidly changing security environments will be two of the most significant, underlying themes in discussions at this year’s Security and Defence Learning, according to conference hosts, the …

Yoda: Google Evil – Threat to National & Individual Security

Google’s data mining raises questions of national security The ability of any company to ‘mine the mosaic’ of personal data has consequences far beyond individuals’ privacy Bryan Cunningham, Monday 15 October 2012 An imminent report on an emerging threat to individual privacy to be issued by the European data protection authorities raises even more …