Berto Jongman: Food Security Index & Map 2013

Food security in 75% of African countries at high or extreme risk – Maplecroft global index ‘Arab Awakening’ countries at increased risk from 2013 food price shocks 10/10/2012 Despite strong economic growth, food security remains an issue of primary importance for Africa, according to a new study by risk analysis company Maplecroft, which classifies 75% …

Eagle: US Senate Investigation Finds that Homeland Security Data Centers Produce ‘Predominantly Useless Information’

Homeland Security Data Centers Produce ‘Predominantly Useless Information’ John Hudson 9:48 AM ET Atlantic Wire, 3 October 2012 Imagine having all the downsides of Big Brother and none of the benefits: That’s what you get with the Department of Homeland Security’s vast network of “fusion” centers, according to a damning new report by the Senate’s …

Josh Kilbourn: US Banks Under Minor Cyber-Attack – Probable Israeli False Flag — Meanwhile US Cyber-Security Largely Vaporware + Meta-RECAP

High Alert! Millions Of Bankers Cant Bank Online. BofA Blames Hackers From Middle East. Bank Cyber Attacks By Iran? Black Monday October 1, 2012? The financial and banking industries are on high alert tonight as a massive cyberattack continues, with potentially millions of customers of Bank of America, PNC and Wells Fargo finding themselves blocked …

Steven Aftergood: DoD IG Shines Light on DoD Security Incoherence

DOD SECURITY POLICY IS INCOHERENT AND UNMANAGEABLE, IG SAYS “DoD security policy is fragmented, redundant, and inconsistent,” according to a new report from the Department of Defense Inspector General.  This is not a new development, the report noted, but one that has persisted despite decades of criticism. There are at least 43 distinct DoD security …

Mini-Me: NATO Admiral Says the Future of Global Security is Strategic Communication — Robert Steele Corrects + META-RECAP

Huh? NATO Admiral Says the Future of Global Security is Strategic Communication Written by ruston on August 3, 2012 · Leave a Comment by Scott W. Ruston The title of this post is my interpretation of what ADM James Stavridis, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and Commander of United States European Command (USEUCOM), says …

Penguin: Official Report on 2011 Cost of Intelligence “Security”

good indication…” that we are out of our minds Information Security Oversight Office 2011 Cost Report Phi Beta Iota:  The cost, totalling $12 billion, is as good as a deceptive bureaucracy can provide.  Our own estimate based on other sources over time is that it is closer to $15-20 billion, and this is without considering …

Noted: NATO Supreme Commander Calls for Open Source Security

NATO Supreme Commander James Stavridis called for open-source security, arguing that in the 21st century, the West isn’t going to achieve stability only through the barrel of a gun or by building walls. He stressed the value of reaching out to people through social networks and providing services such as teaching Afghan soldiers to read. …