Lance Schuttler: CIA Spy Speaks Out After 30 Years of Censorship – Is It Time to Listen?

CIA Spy Speaks Out After 30 Years of Censorship – Is It Time to Listen? For thirty years Robert David Steele has been a proponent for intelligence reform. During all that time he has been silenced – marginalized – by the Deep State. Read full article with seven questions and answers. Back-up copy below the …

Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize – Robert David Steele

The below information was compiled at the request of Jan Helge Kalvik, Editor-in-Chief of Defence and Intelligence Norway. He submitted the below three documents to a Norwegian Minister who is an accredited nominator, with the recommendation that an official nomination be made. Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) – A Nordic Manifesto Open Source Intelligence Done …

Robert Steele: Trump’s Unforced Errors – Is Preibus Our Judas?

It is hard to help Donald Trump. Apart from his own hubris that makes him hard of hearing, particularly when those speaking are not billionaires, he is also being controlled and filtered now, in a most aggressive manner. I explicitly call out Reince Priebus as our Judas, holding back from Trump the three obvious moves …

Robert Steele: Donald Trump’s Future — Over Reince Priebus’s Dead Body…

As things now stand, Donald Trump will not finish his first term. This will be Donald Trump’s fault — and Reince Priebus’ fault. I explicitly accuse Reince Priebus of betraying Donald Trump by sacrificing the protection of Donald Trump and the longer-term healing of the country to Priebus’s own vested interests in protecting the short-term …

ZeroHedge: How 4Chan McFooled John McCain, Buzzfeed, and the CIA Into Believing Trump’s Golden Showers UPDATE 3

How 4Chan McFooled John McCain, Buzzfeed, and the CIA Into Believing Trump’s Golden Showers I know this appears to be unbelievable, but it’s all verifiable. The neocon shill of a reporter from Buzzfeed, Rick Wilson, was catfished by some autist from the Hitler loving 4chan message boards and made to believe Trump enjoyed getting urinated …