Stephen E. Arnold: Software Helps Catch Pedophiles

The Child Protection System Catches Pedophiles Child pornography plagues the Internet’s underbelly, the Dark Web, per-to-per sharing networks, and even simple Google search. Law enforcement officials want to protect children and stop the spread of child pornography, so a new software called Child Protection System was created. NBC News shares details in the article, “Inside …

Stephen E. Arnold: Funding — and Looting — Open Source

Funding Open Source: Saddle Up, Don Quixotes I read “A New Funding Model for Open Source Software.” The main idea is that the current approach to financial “support” of open source software is broken. I agree, particularly if one looks at the problem from the developer or developers in the “community.”

Stephen E. Arnold: Web Traffic — the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

Web Traffic: Pay Up or Become Mostly Invisible GOOD: if you create content that offers value, overtime you will be seen even if the search engines are corrupt. BAD: manipulating backlinks are a death sentence. UGLY: Google (and individual Google mechanics with no adult oversight) can do whatever they want to you and there is …

Robert Steele: Google Filtering — Should It Be Illegal?

I coined the term #GoogleGestapo and have watched with great concern as the major platforms — Amazon, Facebook, Google, MeetUp, Twitter, and YouTube particularly, have violated their commitment to Congress (the Communications Decency Act indemnifies them on content with the intent of protecting free speech). They are all censoring individuals and manipulating information with impunity.  …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Video Service Robert Steele: Is Zoom the Victim of Organized Naked Short Selling?

Amazon: Zooming Toward Google Hangouts? DarkCyber spotted this Thomson Reuters’ story: “Amazon Tests Screening New Merchants for Fraud via Video Calls in Pandemic.” The news story reveals that yes, indeed, Amazon has its own Zoom-type service. There are a number of interesting Amazon patents related to video communications. These range from facial recognition to active …