Gordon Duff: Are the Mormons in Charge of America’s Drug Empire? Is NSA Part of Their Power Base?

America’s Drug Empire Narcotics: Business of Western wars “Heroin trafficking is the lubrication that keeps the wheels of Western politics moving as intended.”   It was only a week ago that the US government released Eric Harroun, a former soldier who had been fighting with foreign backed al-Qaeda terrorists and the CIA against the Assad …

Marcus Aurelius: US IC Propaganda Play? A two-fer–lie about the threat, lie about the consequences? + Scorecard RECAP

Intel community worried Obama administration disclosed too much about latest al Qaeda threat Fear that sources and methods may have been compromised By Lisa Ruth – The Washington Times Communities, Saturday, August 3, 2013 In warning about possible al Qaeda attacks against Americans overseas, U.S. officials may have provided too much detail about intercepted chatter …

Berto Jongman: 20 Years Late, Council on Foreign Relations Has a Stab at Thinking About Cyber + Cyber Meta-RECAP

Defending an Open, Global, Secure, and Resilient Internet Overview This CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force warns that “escalating attacks on countries, companies, and individuals, as well as pervasive criminal activity, threaten the security and safety of the Internet.” The number of “state-backed operations continues to rise, and future attacks will become more sophisticated and disruptive,” argues …

Owl: Is DHS Using NSA to Create a Domestic “Red List”? + DHS RECAP

This writer claims a “threat matrix” has been secretly developed in anticipation of a martial law declaration in the possibly near future. It will be for readers here to decide whether this is plausible or not, but it offers some interesting details on how the “threat score” will work that gives it some air of …

Steve Arnold: Government IT Professionals Not Ready for Big Data + Meta-RECAP

Government IT Professionals Not Ready for Big Data Posted: 10 May 2013 05:29 AM PDT It is not a surprise that 97 percent of state and local IT professional expect their data to grow by more than 50 percent over the next two years. However, more than 75 percent of them are only somewhat or …

Berto Jongman: Call for US Torture Investigation and Eradication + Torture RECAP

Out With It Americans deserve to hear the dirty secrets of the CIA’s war on terror. We’ll all be better off with the truth. In April 1975, Sen. Frank Church impaneled a special investigative committee to look into shocking accounts of CIA dirty tricks. The Church Committee ultimately published 14 reports over two years revealing …