Journal: Endless Money for War, No Checks & Balances

It is becoming increasingly clear that 1981 was a watershed year in the history of the American political economy. What checks and balances that remained broke down. Deregulation, for example, took off and the bomb of private debt exploded (recall the chart I circulated earlier). The trade deficit skyrocketed after 1981, and deindustrialization, which started …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 24 September 2009

Hot Topics AA:  Counterterrorism at the expense of COIN will doom Afghanistan and Pakistan: US officials 09/24/09 AA: Israel hiding nukes in Golan, Syria claims 09/22/09 AA: Al-Qaida release video message likening Barack Obama to George Bush 09/23/09 AF:  Afghan jails are base for al-Qaida and Taliban, says US commander 09/21/09 AF:  Afghan warlords will …

Journal: Obama Fires the One Authentic Person on His Team

Van Jones is authentic.  He was fired as a convenience by the white-half of Barack Obama, the half that is slicker than goose shit on a hot day.  The black half of Obama, the authentic half that “would no more renounce Reverend Wright than my own mother,” that half has been bought off and silenced.