Carl Herman: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — Sandy Hook ‘mothers’ average age giving birth = 36 years old

Carl Herman: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — Sandy Hook ‘mothers’ average age giving birth = 36 years old Mr. President, Among the oddities of the Sandy Hook shooting is that the average age of the 20 mothers who claim to have lost children is 36, which is ten years older than average. The odds …

Carl Herman: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – “Chemtrails” covered Sandy Hook preventing satellite photos on 14 December 2012

Carl Herman: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – “Chemtrails” covered Sandy Hook preventing satellite photos on 14 December 2012  Mr. President, I wrote and shared PlasmaBurns‘ YouTube video of how “chemtrails” in Sandy Hook pictures inspired his research of satellite data leading to his discovery that twice-daily photos only had such chemtrails over Sandy Hook once from …

ROBERT STEELE: Good News: DreamHost Stands By First Amendment Bad News: #GoogleGestapo Massive Censorship. The Answer: A Trump Truth Channel. Includes Ron Paul Conference & False Flag Truths

I was so concerned by losing its mind (as well as its ethics) that I checked in with DreamHost, my preferred pathway to the Internet. I am pleased to report that I have been assured in the strongest possible terms that DreamHost abides by the 1st Amendment — it will take a court order …