Robert Steele: Open Letter to the Editor, Concord Monitor

With reference to Jonathan P. Baird: Down the rabbit hole with three conspiracy theories, Concord Monitor, 2/21/2021 You recently published a village idiot seeking to disparage and defame what he called “conspiracy theorists.” As a former CIA spy I can assure you that the term was devised by the CIA to diminish and defame those …

Eric Zuesse: Catholic Sexual Pathologies and War Against Women

The basic message in my CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS was the opening sentence of the Introduction, on page 25: “Methodology is even more important than findings, because it determines the findings.” Everybody ignores it. But any authentic scientist, in any field, practices it constantly in that field. I practice it in everything that I write about. To …

Caitlin Johnstone: They Don’t Work To Kill All Dissent, They Just Keep It From Going Mainstream

They Don’t Work To Kill All Dissent, They Just Keep It From Going Mainstream Our job is to wake up the mainstream public. This is very feasible, as trust in the imperial media is at an all-time low while our ability to network and share information is at an all-time high. It does mean we …