Review: Decline and Fall – The End of Empire and the Future of Democracy in 21st Century America

John Michael Greer 5.0 out of 5 stars Superb Primer, July 8, 2015 I come at this book with something most readers do not have, over 2,000 non-fiction book reviews here at Amazon, and I mention it only because there are some negative reviews that I think are lacking in the larger context one gets …

Worth a Look: Wings for Peace – First Book on Air Power in UN Operations

Wings for Peace Ships in July 2014 Edited by A. Walter Dorn, Royal Military College of Canada, Canada Series : Military Strategy and Operational Art Air power for warfighting is a story that’s been told many times. Air power for peacekeeping and UN enforcement is a story that desperately needs to be told. For the …

David Swanson: War Can Be Ended — And No, the US Civil War Was Not About Slavery and Not Worth the Human and Other Enduring True Costs

War Can Be Ended Part I Of BOOK: War No More: The Case For Abolition Slavery Was Abolished In the late eighteenth century the majority of people alive on earth were held in slavery or serfdom (three-quarters of the earth’s population, in fact, according to the Encyclopedia of Human Rights from Oxford University Press). The …

Marcus Aurelius: Pentagon Obsesses on Sexual Political Correctness, Providing for the Common Defense an Afterthought

Nothing to dispute here. We haven’t seen a National Security Strategy or National Military Strategy in years. The sexual assault issue is virtually all-consuming.  My own two-star, one of the Army’s better flag-level intellects, will soon (or may already have) take charge of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Reporting  program at OSD level.  In fairness, …