Journal: Weak Signals–Triple Crash?

Phi Beta Iota: Reprinted in full to allow emphasis and easier reading.  Original source at logo, “as is.”  Recommended by our physical gold colleagues. ______________________________________ Several financial events this week indicate something big is about to happen, something that may make the 2008 credit crisis seem rather benign.  First, the IMF announced that it is …

Review: The Vanishing of a Species? A Look at Modern Man’s Predicament by a Geologist (Hardcover)

Posthumous Reflections of Extraordinary Value November 30, 2009 Peter Gretener QUOTES: “The system has had it.” “Environmental science–or engineering–is at best a misnomer and at worst a fraud.” This author, like the author of The Real Global Warming Disaster: Is the Obsession with “Climate Change” Turning Out to Be the Most Costly Scientific Blunder in …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 30 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: Mercenary Mann says South Africa backed coup plot 11/29/09 AA: Are SA mercenaries assisting Guinea’s military junta? 11/26/09 AO: Angola: Armed forces reiterate support for public health services 11/26/09 CD: DR Congo appeals for arrest of FDLR leaders in Western countries 11/26/09 ET: Ethiopia’s Human Rights Reports presented to the African Commission …

PACOM Week in Review Ending 29 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: ASEAN, China to co-operate on fight against terror, crime 11/25/09 BD: ‘Indian insurgents fleeing Bangladesh’ 11/27/09 CN: China to launch second lunar probe next October 11/26/09 IN: ‘Defence forces need latest informartion warfare skills’ 11/27/09 IN: India to probe Chinese drug imports 11/27/09 IN: Mumbai marks anniversary of terror attacks 11/26/09 TH: …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 28 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: German minister resigns over airstrike in Afghanistan 11/27/09 AA: Organized crime in the Caucasus 11/28/09 AA: Tajikistan urges compromise on power grid with Uzbekistan 11/25/09 AA: International patience with Iran is “running out” 11/27/09 AE: Assessing fallout of Dubai’s credit disaster 11/27/09 AF: NATO Forces Find Crash Site of Helicopter in Afghanistan …