Venessa Miemis: Birth of a Meme – The Rise of Culture Tech

Birth of a Meme: The Rise of Culture Tech I’ve been tracking emerging trends for a while now, exploring the co-evolution of humanity and our technologies, and building visions of the kinds of futures I’d like to see. Lately, I’ve found myself a bit restless, wondering “what’s next?” The conferences and gatherings I’m attending are beginning …

Michel Bauwens: Knowing Networks as an Alternative to Closed Networks

Phi Beta Iota:  This is one of the most elegant trenchant discussions we have seen on the imperatives for arriving at collective intelligence through open methods.   The entire contribution is below the line. Debating the Iron Law of Bureaucracy and the Power Law: Knowing Networks as an alternative to scale-free networks Franco Iacomella, 2nd May …

Penguin: Google’s Public Destruction Heralded by Those Ignorant of Google-zilla

Google’s Destruction Is Already Under Way Nicholas Carlson Business Insider, Apr. 27, 2012 The Federal Trade Commission has hired the prosecutor who got Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh the death penalty to lead its investigation into potential anti-trust violations by Google, report David Streitfeld and Edward Wyatt of the New York Times. Her name is Beth Wilkinson. Experts …

Owl: Pope Outraged Over Leaks on Vatican Corruption — Should He Adopt US Tactics?

No institution on planet Earth – no matter how allegedly “respectable” – seems exempt from lies, fraud, graft, corruption, and so on, and all of them are highly intent on exterminating the “whistleblowers” within them, even the Catholic Church: Pope calls in Opus Dei troubleshooter to uncover source of Vatican leaks Cardinal given ‘pontifical mandate’ …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Al Qaeda Struggles with Training, Diminishing World Influence, says TRAC Black-Scholes: The maths formula linked to the financial crash Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War: The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation Has the internet run out of ideas already? Internet censorship listed: how does each country compare? Internet Hall of Fame (Pioneers, Innovators, …