Michel Onfray: French Joined the Americans in War on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali…Reap As Ye Sow…

Michel Onfray : « La France doit cesser sa politique islamophobe » Point: After the announcement of the attacks of November 13, you wrote on twitter: “It was the [Western] Right and Left  who sowed the war against political Islam and we are now reaping blowback from that war against political Islam. “Do not you feel like you …

Owl: West Point Summary of Elite Evils

A Conspiracy Synthesis West Point graduate and former Army officer Joachim Hagopian provides a lengthy synthesis of most major or significant US government/global elitist-promulgated initiatives, actions and plans occurring in the last few years, including ISIS, the Chattanooga shootings, the Paris Charlie Hebdo attacks, the Boston and Charleston attacks and many other false flags, TPP, …

Mongoose: Paris 12 False Flag Video Evidence — Zionists Killing Innocents for Effect

Owl has previously suggested first 65% and most recently 80% probability of the Paris 12 being a false flag event. With the revelation of the Zionist ownership of the “victim” organization, and the video of a fake head shot with no splatter (as well as blank dust-off ), we now take our estimate to 90%. …

Owl: Paul Craig Roberts on Paris 12 False Flag Anomalies, Media Complicity

Charlie Hebdo, Another False Flag, Brought to You by the US, with Help From French Intel & Mossad – Roberts Robert’s observations below about the the alleged getaway car driver in the Paris shootings, Hamid Mourad, who turned himself in (which for the time being saved his life) jack up the probability this was a …