Yoda: Alert Reader on Majestic 12 and Forthcoming Extraterrestrial Disclosure – Robert Steele Comments

Alert  Reader sends long extract. Robert Steele comments below fold. “Control of space means control of the world. From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earthÂ’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the gulf stream and change temperate …

Stephen E. Arnold: Digital Ocean Will Shut You Down Without Warning Based on Flawed Automatic Monitoring Programmed by Morons Lacking Adult Override

Editorial Note: Robert Steele wrote the PBI title. Frisky Language Aside: An Important Cloud Message I don’t know much about Digital Ocean, droplets, Checkly, Raisup, “”or the other Fancy Dan technologies mentioned in the write up. I usually ignore articles with unpleasant language. I worked through this write up because in Myrtle Beach at the …

Yoda: Zionist Strike 31 — 77 Senators Vote Against First Amendment and in Favor of Israel First Not America First — Seek to Make It a Felony to Call for Boycott of Zionist Genocidal Apartheid Israel UPDATE 1: Naomi Klein Video

Ha’aretz: U.S. Senate Passes anti-BDS Legislation With Strong Majority Democratic senators were almost evenly split on the bill; passage in House of Representatives not guaranteed at this point Al Jazeera: US Senate approves anti-BDS bill, slowdown of Syria withdrawal Tuesday’s Senate vote, which was 77-23, sends the legislation to the House of Representatives where it …