Howard Rheingold: Crap Detection & Critical Thinking

YouTube Library Howard Rheingold on essential media literacies [6:09] Howard Rheingold on Crap Detection (Part 1) [9:59] Creating a Critical Society – Howard Rheingold on Crap Detection (Part 2) [4:49] Determining Site Credibility – Howard Rheingold on Crap Detection (Part 3) TED: Howard Rheingold: The new power of collaboration (19:34) Selected Books on Thinking by …

Review: Mapping the Moral Domain: A Contribution of Women’s Thinking to Psychological Theory and Education

1988 Precious Gem–Richly Deserves Appreciation Today September 3, 2009 Carol Gilligan Amazon appears to be depriving customers of top reviews from the past–part of a concerted effort they have been making to ease the path for new reviewers, never mind the cost in lost wisdom. I am personally appalled that this incredibly important book, obviously …

Matthew Ehret: Humanity as a Species of the Stars or Lab Rats in Geopolitical Cage?

Humanity as a Species of the Stars or Lab Rats in Geopolitical Cage? In these days of profound uncertainty, it is comforting knowing that certain fundamental truths still exist and serve as guiding lights through the dark waters. Among the highest of those fundamental truths are those enunciated in 1967 by Reverend Martin Luther King …

Tom Lee: Intrinsic Participation and the Great Co-Creative Dance

Intrinsic Participation and the Great Co-Creative Dance In this essay I expand on the idea of “intrinsic participation”, a concept I introduced in “Creative Participation of the Whole – a North Star concept”. It stresses that our efforts at participatory democracy are manifestations of a far larger Reality in and with which we are forever …

The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention to Break the Empire [Part one]

The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention to Break the Empire [Part one] In this first installment of a four part series co-written with my friend and historian Raynald Rouleau, we will meet a network of alliances that formed in France and Quebec under the leadership of Quebec’s Premier Daniel Johnson Sr. and French President Charles DeGaulle from …