CounterPunch: WikiLeaks vs. the Empire – the Revolutionary Act of Telling the Truth

Wikileaks vs. the Empire: the Revolutionary Act of Telling the Truth To the rulers of the world in Washington and Europe, Syria’s true crime is not the oppressive nature of its government but its independence from American and Israeli power – just as Iran’s true crime is its independence, and Russia’s true crime is its …

Hal Berghel: Comments on Intelligence Leadership, Moral Hazards, Manning, Snowden, & Wikileaks

Leadership Failures in the National Security Complex Current NSA forecast: continued Snowden flurries with no end in sight. No one blames the hardworking NSA employees for the latest series of gaffes: it’s the feckless leadership and the politics that got them there that are responsible for our current difficulties PDF (4 Pages): Hal on Leadership …

Penguin: Wikileaks Exposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership for What It Is — Secret Predatory Corporate Corruption Enabled by Secret Government Complicty in Looting the Public Purse

WikiLeaks releases major trade agreement draft chapter The TPP, based on the draft chapter, seems set to be yet another boon for corporate interests Natasha Lennard Salon, Wednesday, Nov 13, 2013 The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement — an international trade agreement some years in the making between major world powers including the U.S., Canada and Japan …

Event: 25 OCT 13 Austria Online Knowledge is Power, Open Knowledge is Empowerment — Wikipedia, Wikileaks, and Open Source Intelligence

„Knowledge is power“ is the credo of enlightened modernism. However, Michel Foucault proclaims that whoever is in power determines which knowledge prevails in society, and ultimately this is the only knowledge that we have access to. It is certain that knowledge and power are closely interrelated, and that power relations in a society heavily depend …

Berto Jongman: YouTube (1:52) Jeremy Scahill on Significance of Wikileaks as Source on US Dirty Wars and Department of State Being Over-Ruled

Published on Apr 24, 2013 Watch the full interview with Jeremy Scahill on Democracy Now! at Jeremy Scahill, author of the new book, Dirty Wars: The World Is A Battlefield, has spent years covering secret U.S. warfare through drone strikes, targeted killings, and enlisting foreign militias in countries from Somalia to Pakistan. Speaking to …