While there are certainly forces within the “Deep State“ or “Shadow Government” that obviously oppose any moves to bring back the gold standard and end the Federal Reserve, the timing may be ideal for a massive push to accomplish both of these tasks.
In essence, Trump can create a groundswell, grassroots movement from the masses in support of these two moves that will cut off the Deep State’s ability to control the global financial system. Though there are certainly complicated logistical moves needed to take place to bring back the gold standard and end the Federal Reserve, the basis of accomplishing these items are surprisingly simple. To begin, the issues must not only be tweeted and talked about consistently, the public needs to be educated on why these moves will benefit the U.S and the rest of the world. Most importantly, the public must be educated as to why these moves will benefit democrats, republicans, libertarians and all other parties, including those who don’t engage in politics at all. The masses must learn why these two moves will benefit all people.
But where will the gold come from? The same place John F. Kennedy was about to receive gold and silver from back in 1963 when he signed Executive Order 11110 into effect: The East.
Trump has the tools and the media’s attention to be able to start discussing these very important events that have taken place and has the power to work with the East in bringing the gold standard back. He has the power to do just what JFK was about to complete with Soekarno of Indonesia. In something so big and so covert, it would be in his favor to discuss these things publicly, because publicity offers a form of protection. It is apparent that JFK was doing this in private, with very few people knowing what was happening with his relationship to Indonesia. Trump can bring this into the open, which will give him not only a more secure position, but will also create an enormous movement of awareness around the topics of ending the Federal Reserve and bringing back the gold standard.
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