Berto Jongman: Pedophilia Update — Podesta Secrets, Two-Party Tyranny & Hollywood Rape, Torture, & Murder Small Children

The Real Reasons Why Podesta Must Testify In Secret Podesta knows where all the bodies are buried… Elijah Wood: Hollywood Is Run By A Powerful Elite Pedophile Ring Actor exposes pedophilia and links to Washington child abuse Brad Pitt: ‘Elite Hollywood Pedophiles Control America’ Movie star speaks out against pedophilia rings Child Sex Trafficking & …

Ray McGovern: Presidential Candidates Wrong on Torture

US Intel Vets Warn Against Torture Exclusive: Experienced intelligence professionals reaffirm that torture – while popular with “tough” politicians – doesn’t work in getting accurate and actionable information, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern. To those living “outside the Beltway” it may seem counterintuitive that those of us whose analysis has been correct on key issues …

Berto Jongman: 25 European Countries Collaborated with Rendition and Torture in Secret Prisons

Victims of U.S. Rendition & Torture Starting to Reclaim Rights Says Council of Europe Rights Chief More than 25 European countries cooperated with the CIA’s rendition, torture and secret prison program, and the quest for accountability continues today. “This is a sordid story that does Europe shame,” says Nils Muižnieks, the Council of Europe’s commissioner …

Berto Jongman: CIA’s Secret Torture Sites & the Competing CIA and DoD Drone Assassination Programs

CIA Torture REVEALED: The boom and bust of the CIA’s secret torture sites The quality of debriefers and security officers being sent to the site was degenerating, while the information coming out of it was “mediocre or, I dare say, useless”. The Assassination Complex Eight Papers on the Drone Programs of the USA Taken together, …

Steve Aftergood: CIA Cover-Up on Torture + CIA Torture RECAP

CIA Classification Practices Challenged The Central Intelligence Agency has improperly classified and withheld from release at least five categories of information related to its post-9/11 rendition, detention and interrogation program, according to a detailed complaint filed by with the Information Security Oversight Office.

Philip Giraldi: The CIA’s Torture Defenders

The CIA’s Torture Defenders An all-star cast teams up to spin their enhanced interrogation regime. The seven men who contributed to the book (George Tenet, Michael Hayden, Porter Goss, John McLaughlin, Michael Morell, Jose Rodriguez, John Rizzo, and Philip Mudd) are, with the exception of Mudd, quite likely guilty of war crimes …   There are …