Robert Steele: Open Letter to the President — Losing Base, On Probation — Time to Control Baseball Bats?

Mr. President, I just finished an interview with a major Christian network and the consensus is that you have lost a third of your base and this gun control idiocy is making Sanders-Gabbard look good in some circles — a travesty all its own. Take your YADA YADA YADA to the next level. Here’s your …

Ellen Brown: What Donald Trump Does Not Know — Why the Chinese Model is Better and Currency Wars Have No Winners

Neoliberalism Has Met Its Match in China We cannot win a currency war through the use of competitive currency devaluations that trigger a “race to the bottom,” and we cannot win a trade war by installing competitive trade barriers that simply cut us off from the benefits of cooperative trade. More favorable to our interests …

American Herald Tribune: From 2006 to 2019: After Failures in Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen, War Is No Longer an Option for Israel [Zionist Strike 46]

From 2006 to 2019: After Failures in Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen, War Is No Longer an Option for Israel The US and Israel failed to achieve four main goals: regime change in Syria, the partition of Iraq, the defeat of the Houthis in Yemen, the Palestinian “deal of the century”. Added to this, Israeli-US …

Kerry Cassidy: Presidents Who Know Too Much — the Price of Secrecy is Death at the Top

PRESIDENTS WHO KNOW TOO MUCH : THE PRICE OF SECRECY [IS DEATH AT THE TOP] I am reading the book WATERGATE HOAX by Ashton Gray.  Gray goes into minute blow by blow detail proving Watergate was a planned CIA op.  And how it was a cover for stealing the L. Ron Hubbard protocols/works that deal with …