Worth a Look I: Going Somewhere – Truth About A Life in Science

Going Somewhere is a dynamic autobiographical narrative about Andrew Marino’s career in science. With a depth and drama that arise from personal involvement, the book explores an exceptionally wide range of science-related matters: the relation between electrical energy and life; the influence of corporate and military power on science; the role of self-interest on the …

Robert Steele: War in the Middle East [in February 2018]… A strategic survey of possibilities, winners, losers… (Trump Revolution 19)

Israel Plans War in February 2018 We now know that Benjamin Netanyahu believes he can command the votes in the US Congress to declare war and demand that our Secretary of Defense James Mattis introduce US forces including troops on the group in support of an Israeli and Saudi Arabian war on Iran, Lebanon, and …

Rebecca Campbell: Moral Judgments Can Be Altered by Magnets…

This story from 2010 is now circulating. Public seems to be waking up to the threat from the 1% controlling electromagnetic towers and focused on mind-control and the erosion of values. Moral judgments can be altered … by magnets By disrupting brain activity in a particular region, neuroscientists can sway people’s views of moral situations.

Stephen E. Arnold: MongoDB Files IPO — Should Amazon Be Their Target?

Mongo DB Position upon Filing IPO This article at Datamation, “MongoDB’s Mongo Moment,” suggests MongoDB is focused on the wrong foe. As the company filed for its $100 million IPO, its CEO Dev Ittycheria observed that competitor Oracle is “vulnerable” because it has lost appeal to developers. However, writer Matt Asay asserts developers never were …

Steven Aftergood: Congressional Research Service on The North Korean Nuclear Challenge – Military Options and Issues for Congress [Robert Steele: How President Trump Can Win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018]

A new report from the Congressional Research Service identifies and examines seven possible directions for US policy, none of them risk-free or altogether satisfactory: *    maintaining the military status quo *    enhanced containment and deterrence *    denying DPRK acquisition of delivery systems capable of threatening the US *    eliminating ICBM facilities and launch pads *   …

Robert Steele: Las Vegas False Flag a Hybrid (Innocent Drill, Rogue Mass Murder Unit)? UPDATE 23 Paddock Girlfriend Worked for FBI

I have no direct knowledge. I do, however, have some understanding of false flag operations, media influence operations, covert operations, and high-level political and financial crime networks. Las Vegas appears to be a classic false flag operation with both financial  and political aspects. UPDATE 23: 25 August 2018. Feds Scramble as Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Reportedly …

Koko: Healing Plan for Humans

Healing Plan This plan is compiled through the research and experiences of people who recovered from serious health issues. If any of the imbedded links are broken or certain webpages experience problems (it happens quite often), be patient and do search using the key words to find an alternative access.