Caitlin Johnstone: Rugged Individualism vs Enlightened Collectivism

Rugged Individualism Cannot Save Us. Only Enlightened Collectivism Can. So collectivism by itself is worthless. What we need is not just our healthy impulse to collaborate, but to collaborate in a wise and intuitive way that is not manipulated by the propaganda narratives of the powerful. We need an enlightened collectivism in which we all …

SPECIAL: Robert Steele in Tehran Times on Full Disclosure (extraterrestrials, No Nuclear War, End of the Deep State?) UPDATE: Front Page Print Edition, Info to President Trump

SHORT URL: Full Disclosure: Extraterrestrials, No Nuclear War, End of the Deep State? TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), regularly answers questions for Tehran Times.

12 Reasons to Donate

SHARE THIS APPEAL PLEASE: DONATE: 01 Non-Fiction Book Reviews Eternal access to over 2,500 non-fiction reviews carefully curated in many lists and also in each of 97 distinct categories — a free college education such as no college today offers and exclusive access to new book reviews — Robert removed all his reviews …

Berto Jongman: Possible Discovery of Universal Memory, the “Holy Grail” – Ends Booting, Reduces Energy by One Fifth

Discovery of a ‘holy grail’ with the invention of universal computer memory A new type of computer memory to solve the digital technology energy crisis has been invented and patented by scientists. The device is the realization of the decades long search for a ‘Universal Memory’ to replace the $100 billion market for Dynamic Random …

Robert Steele: Causes of Death — Deep Truth, Shallow Truth, Google Lies, and Media Lies — Four Levels of Analysis

I am so very excited by the prospect of creating regional Open Source Agencies. “The truth at any cost lowers all other costs.” I now see so very clearly that my nine years at the CIA followed by five years creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity followed by sixteen years of wandering in the wilderness …

Donate If You Can — No Posts This Week-End — Honor All Fathers

I am taking the week-end off to drive up the East Coast and honor my step-father. Here is the closing slide from my planned presentation to over 20 indigenous leaders now ready to create the post-Western economy by reverting to a combination of Natural Law and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE). Donate if you can.  …