Jock Gill: Carbon Negative Energy

Carbon Negative Energy This new/old, yet simple technology, creates carbon negative energy by extracting carbon from the feedstocks for use in agriculture, water treatment, and other applications.  Additionally, more than three billion people can benefit from the biochar process using nearly 100% recyclable materials. Applications of pyrolysis include creating home heating systems that produce carbon …

Australians: Our Shit is Pure, No E Coli Possible Here

Just too funny to not post.  Evidently the Australian government has not made the connection between animal and human shit in the groundwater causing E. coli and other forms of disease migrating into vegetables–as occurred in the USA when spinach and cow shit combined.  Immaculate Australian shit–perhaps it’s all the beer they drink. Deadly E. …

Libya Chemical Weapons & NATO Chemical Threat

SPECIAL FROM WAYNE MADSEN Real danger of chemical weapons falling into hands of radical Islamists —  and potential of NATO creating chemical disaster TRIPOLI, LIBYA — Chemical weapons and chemical weapons precursor materials that were declared by Libya to the United Nations and United States but not yet destroyed are stored in warehouses at facilities …

Contributing Editor John Marke

  John Marke is writer/consultant, formerly the senior risk expert at Deloitte’s Federal Practice and an advisor to a Presidential candidate on terrorism.  He is one of the country’s leading authorities on risk, complexity and resilience, and also contributes on asymmetrical warfare and transnational threats.  His clients include The White House, DHS, USJFORCOM, USC’s Center for Risk & …

Snapshot: Tea Party Headlines

Needed: A Tea Party for smart people Protest Movement Starts ‘Rebranding’ Billionaire Koch Brothers Wall Street Journal Honcho Shills for Secret Worker ‘Education’ Program Linked to Koch Group Jim Hightower column: Academic freedom for sale, cheap, too Letter: Billionaires duped patriotic Americans Koch brothers wage a war on Americans Koch Bros. Accused of Stonewalling Congress …