Friends of Europe: Not Friendly, Not Thoughtful — Comment by Robert Steele

Friends of Europe (€2,281,515 a year budget) is delighted to send you the report of its last Security Jam, launched today at a debate with General Philip Breedlove, NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe and Ambassador Alain Le Roy, incoming Secretary General of the European External Action Service. European Union and NATO leaders must act …

Owl: Saudi Instability, Pedophilia Taking Hillary Down, Warren as Manchurian Candidate, a Muslim Europe?

A few days ago, in a post mentioned here, John Robb predicted ISIS would invade and take Saudi Arabia in Spring, at the earliest. With King Abdullah dead,, Robb has changed his forecast and states ISIS will likely take a southern pivot, moving troops from Iraq and Syria, going south after Mecca and Medina, …

Mini-Me: Media Failure on Charlie Hebdo — USG & SA Created Islamic Fundamentalist Movement

Huh? The Spectacular Media Failure on Charlie Hebdo Shamus Cooke CounterPunch, 14 January 2015 The U.S.-backed Afghan jihad was the birth of the modern Islamic fundamentalist movement. The jihad attracted and helped organize fundamentalists across the region, as U.S. allies in the Gulf state dictatorships used the state religion to promote it.  Fighters who traveled …

Berto Jongman: Fake Beheading Interview

Man Fakes Beheading Video, Fools Global Media Astounding story a reminder of how easily war propaganda can be staged Paul Joseph Watson InfoWars, 8 September 2014 Robbie Martin tells the astounding story of how he and his friend faked a beheading video and fooled the global media.

Mark Dixon: Digital Druid – America, We Have A Problem

Mark Dixon is a partner in the Principled Society Project and a pioneer in Smart Local Government and Cognitive Digital Democracy. America…..we have a problem. “We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology.” So says E. O. Wilson in his latest book, “The Social Conquest of Earth”. …