The Steele Report: Grades & Topics Today

Robert grades Green for White House and Society; Yellow for Message; Orange for Campaign and Economy, and Red for Zionism – going nuclear. Topics addressed include Who Rules the World & How?; What Can We Learn from Passive Publics Accepting Illegal Unjustified Lockdowns & Masks?; Are the Presidential and Republican Leadership COVID-19 Illness Reported Being …

Cosmic Agency: COVID-19 Virus Hoax – Does Not Exist! Do Not Take the Vaccine, It Has Been Weaponized

COSMIC AGENCY:  COVID-19 VIRUS IS A HOAX – IT DOES NOT EXIST! According to the Taygeteans, there is no virus and never was one.  The current pandemic is a HOAX.  It is a psyop of global magnitude, designed and carried out in total coordination by the controlled media. There never has been any weaponized version …

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Palantir In Big Trouble?

Palantir Technologies: A Problem for Intelware Competitors? The Palantir Technologies initial public offering is looming. Pundits are excited; for example, “Palantir Has A Long Uphill Battle Towards Customer Acquisition, But Benefits From Stickiness And Contract Expansion” makes clear that the journey to profitability may be like the Beatles observed: A long and winding road. Others …