Robert Steele: Reflections on Taking Down #GoogleGestapo (aka BigTech or FAANG) and MSM

A core aspect of showing foreign control is discovery that maps exactly who introduced the term hate speech, who suggested modifications to corporate terms of reference that now “allow” deflatforming, and who was put in as “trusted flaggers.” At the end of the day you will find that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Zionist …

Mongoose: Extra Info Off the Boards — Most Secure Election Yes Because We Caught Them Everywhere — “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming”

Alert Reader, a Q Anon, sends this in via email: EXTRA INFO OFF THE BOARDS: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming is more than just a catch phrase. NCSWIC. Did the Fake News take the bait with the bold text from CISA? Maybe they are telling the truth. Maybe this was the most secure election …

Robert Steele: Trump, Cardinal, Serbia & Savoy, Break-Up of France & the European Union — Neither CIA nor MSM Get This . . .

Tous mes sites Web, y compris The Steele Report, peuvent être lus en français et dans d’autres langues. On 4 March 2018 I broke the story on North Korea denuclearizing and the Koreas uniting. I was called a lunatic.  Two weeks later President Donald Trump confirmed the substance of my scoop. Here is my next …

Review: The Music of Time by Preston B. Nichols with Peter Moon

7 Stars — Cosmic Mind-Altering Book I’ve gone through seven stages in my intellectual development: Truth assumed to be Default Lies known to be Default Consciousness is a Force for Good Everything is Energy in Some Form Stellar Civilizations Abound Frequencies Manage and Manifest Energy Time & Space Travel Achieved by Mind Control Along the …

Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia: Interview: US Election Winner Predicted, Most Important Issues Discussed

Interview: US Election Winner Predicted, Most Important Issues Discussed By Javad Heirannia                 October 15, 2020 – 11:11                               International TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), contributes regularly to Tehran Times.