Sepp Hasslberger: Sun Splits Water to Produce Hydrogen — the Holy Grail of Energy + Water Energy RECAP

Slowly getting there … when the universities get in on the act, we just might end up with a clean energy economy! Have we found the ‘holy grail’ in cutting emissions? Power plant claims to produce hydrogen by splitting water with sunlight The University of Colorado at Boulder has designed a hydrogen plant that uses …

SchwartzReport: BAD Fukishima Will Cost $58 Billion — GOOD Majave Solar Power Rocks

Fukushima, which has put a large swath of Japan off limits to human habitation, is a crisis that never ends, and whose remediation cost has reached war level. Everytime one of these things goes bad, it is a staggering disaster. Japan: Fukushima Clean-up Will Cost $58 Billion Agence France-Presse (France)/The Raw Story Here is the …

John Maguire: Russia Goes to Full Strategic Combat Readiness (Troops & Bombers) Exercise in Eastern District (Furthest from Middle East)

While everyone is distracted by the Trayvon Martin case….two stories. From 14 July 2013: WW3 Brews As Nation Distracted By Trayvon Martin Case EXTRACT Now enter new reports surfacing from the Russian Defense Ministry on orders of Vladimir Putin that the largest military ‘state of full combat readiness’ drill is taking place with around 160,000 troops …

Gordon Duff: US Swath of Destruction a Pre-Planned Methodical Population Cleansing Strategy + Eugenics Meta-RECAP

Population Cleansing Wars Gordon Duff Veterans Today, 15 July 2013 It is a mistake to look on what has become endless wars, first centering in the Middle East, as struggles over religion, political theories, sectarian struggles or post-colonial realignments.  Each hypothesis fails. Increasingly, intelligence analysts are agreeing on one thing, there is clear evidence of …

Mini-Me: Uzbekistan Wants to Join NATO, Conquer Eurasia [We Do Not Make This Stuff Up] — Full Reading [English Below the Line] Makes Clear This Is A Manifesto — From Water to Genocide to Labor to Historical Grievances

Huh? Uzbekistan Media: We Should Join NATO, Conquer Eurasia A recent piece in Uzbekistan’s state-sanctioned media has advocated joining NATO and taking over the territory of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and most of the rest of Eurasia. The piece, published on, was taken down shortly after being published, but was preserved on  [PBI: English translation …

2013 Robert Steele: It’s Time for Crisis Mappers to Spin Up Corruption Mappers 2.0 + Corruption RECAP

I share with Lawrence Lessig the conviction that corruption is the principal threat to humanity.  I would add to that my own view that corruption is responsible for 50% of all investments being wasted, be they in agriculture, energy, health, or the military, as representative domains.  I also believe that corruption will persist until individuals …