Medard Gabel: Eighteen Strategies for Confronting the Major Systemic Problems Confronting Humanity

Bottom line: for one third of what we spend on war, we can eradicate all ten high level threats to humanity. Introduction What We Have and What We Want Synergies of the Whole 1. Eliminate Starvation and Malnourishment 2. Provide Health Care & AIDS Control 3. Provide Shelter 4. Provide Clean Safe Water 5. Eliminate …

2013 Robert Steele Reflections on [Search:] non+traditional+threat 1.2

ROBERT STEELE:  I have elected to answer this personally.  It may well be the most fundamental question this web site has received in that any corruption in the answer to this question assures the failure of any strategy, policy, acquisition, or operation that is spawned from an inherently corrupt — a deliberately corrupt — refusal …

Congressional Research Service — Index Frozen 2 JUNE 2015

NOTICE: We are suspending our update of this index. All CRS reports will continue to be offered at the Federation of American Scientists, and updated as new version are received, but we will not longer maintain this separate index.   Updated FAS new 2 June 2015. All links lead to Federation of American Scientists (FAS) …

Berto Jongman: Security for the Internet of Things — Cars Can Be Hijacked and Used to Murder People — This Matters

Rethinking Security for the Internet of Things by Chris Clearfield Harvard Business Review, June 26, 2013 Cyber attacks, once primarily directed against networks to steal confidential information and wreak virtual havoc, have begun to expand and are now directly affecting the physical world. For example, the recent hacking of the Associated Press’s Twitter account by …

SchwartzReport: Miami Under Seawater — and Losing Drinking Water

Our children, grandchildren, and all the generations that follow are going to curse us. As the Republicans in the senate and the house, and their Theocratic Right base block any meaningful action on climate change, and Obama is reduced to doing what he can through executive order, our world is slipping away. The changes are …

Marcus Aurelius: The Future of Joint Operations

Everybody play nice together while the bulk of already inadequate and dwindling resources are weighted to Navy and Air Force in the Pacific.  [Oh, BTW, in separate Armed Forces Journal reporting, twp Army officers, a major general and a colonel, assert that former Chief of Naval Operations ADM (Ret) Gary Roughead and Hoover Institution analyst Kori Schake have recommended …

John Robb: Canada Makes It Illegal to Wear Masks — Reflections on the Loss of Government Legitimacy (and Sanity) — Beards May Be Next…

Canada Makes the Automation of Tyranny Easier Here’s a sign of the times.  Canada has made wearing a mask at a protest a crime. Why did they do this?   It makes it easier for police to ID people using CCTV and social media photos after a protest occurs. It also makes it easier to …