Progressive Press Integrated Bibliography Project

Below is the beginning of an integrated bibliography with links to Amazon pages for each book or DVD, a few links to articles or papers.  It provides a searchable means of considering many authors whose books question the mainstream myths while challenging the integrity of the existing blend of neo-everything.

Robert Steele: The Craft of Intelligence – OLD vs. NEW

UPDATED 18 January 2014 Intelligence Chief Describes Complex Challenges. America and the world are facing the most complex set of challenges in at least 50 years, the director of national intelligence told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence here today. James R. Clapper Jr. said capabilities, technologies, know-how, communications and environmental forces “aren’t confined by …

Marcus Aurelius: VIDEO Extreme Prejudice – CIA Whistle Blower [then Congressional staffer] Susan Lindauer PDX 911Truth

From the YouTube description: Amazing testimony of ex CIA Asset Susan Lindauer. 5 years of legal troubles, 1 year in prison for daring to tell the truth. During the Bush era the top controllers of the governmental mechanics of Defense and national Security wanted to have a war with Iraq. They got their wish and …

Todd Essig: Huge Psychological Bias Against Creativity

Managing The Psychological Bias Against Creativity You come up with a great new idea at work, or at home. Or a political leader actually tries something “new and different” when faced with a previously intractable problem. But then, rather than grateful acceptance, or even a fair hearing, the idea is squashed, ridiculed, or otherwise ignored. …