Owl: New Eugenics Vaccine + Herpes Activator + Eugenics Meta-RECAP

New Eugenics Weapon: FluBlok Insect Based Vaccine Kenny Valenzuela Activist Post, Friday March 1, 2013 EXTRACT: “FluBlok is the latest concoction being created by Protein Science Corporation which was bailed out in 2009 by the United States taxpayers in order to continue the research and development of this new population reduction weapon. Pumping tens of …

Mini-Me: Gay Pedophile Cabal Across the Vatican & Globally-Distributed Archbishops and Cardinals? What do Skull & Bones, the Bohemian Grove, Some Flag Officers, and the Vatican Have in Common? A Culture of Impunity and Betrayal of the Public Trust

Huh? Priest in panties Vatican gay, cross-dressing sex ring allegedly pushed pope’s hasty exit The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State wrote that a warrant was issued for the pope’s arrest and that he will meet with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on Saturday to plead for immunity. This is historic, for any legal …

1 March 2013 Geoergetown University, Washington, DC Colloquium on Genocides and War Crimes

Colloquium on Genocides and War Crimes, Georgetown University Posted by Eze Eluchie on February 20, 2013 at 10:00pm View Blog Join us for the 1st International Colloquium on Genocides and War Crimes scheduled for McDonough Hall, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington DC. on Friday, 1st March 2013. From 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Diplomatic representatives …

Reference: Top-Notch Report on Chinese Exploitation of US Idiocy & Incompetence

2013 Mandiant_PRC Cyber APT1_Report Phi Beta Iota:  The naive and the unscrupulous emphasis external threats and internal vulnerabilities while glossing over the FACT that this threat was clearly articulated by Winn Schwartau, among others, in 1990, and clearly articulated, in a letter delivered in 1994 to Marty Harris at the National Information Infratructure (NII) reporting …

DefDog: Air Force Creates Valor Medal for Video Kills UPDATED 18 Feb 2013

UPDATED 18 Feb 2013 to add Reactions This is absolutely insane….ranks higher than a Bronze Star for Valor and cannot be awarded for serving in a combat zone. The Air Force pushed it in an effort to control the Drone and Cyber environment….Air Force would not let any comments from Afghanistan….payoff for the homage of …

Penguin: Microsoft Dying – But Linux Not Ready

We are long past due cutting the chains of predatory proprietary expensive, non-scalable, non-interopperable software. Open Source Everything (OSE) is a very ugly baby, but it is the only baby that has a chance of affordable scaling to meet the needs of all humanity. Indifference of market leaders kills their own markets Internet transforming higher …