Priest in panties Vatican gay, cross-dressing sex ring allegedly pushed pope’s hasty exit
The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State wrote that a warrant was issued for the pope’s arrest and that he will meet with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on Saturday to plead for immunity. This is historic, for any legal action against a Vatican employee, much less the pope, is unheard of.
‘Decadent West naked in coffin of shame’
The Church has been penetrated, at its highest levels, by a homosexual embezzlement ring. According to Dr. Robert Moynihan of Inside the Vatican magazine, a secret report on the homosexual crime ring, and associated blackmail problems, was given to the Pope on December 17. This report, Dr. Moynihan tells us, “overwhelmed his spirit within him” and “made his heart desolate.” (The original source of these revelations, which Dr. Moynihan seemingly confirms, was an article in La Republica.)
Did a Cross-Dressing Priest Sex Ring Bring Down Benedict XVI?
“What’s coming out is very detailed X-ray of the Roman Curia that does not spare even the closest collaborators of the Pope,” wrote respected Vatican expert Ignazio Ingrao in Panorama. “The Pope was no stranger to the intrigues, but he probably did not know that under his pontificate there was such a complex network and such intricate chains of personal interests and unmentionable relationships.”
The existence of a gay-priest network outside the fortified walls of Vatican City is hardly news, and many are wondering if it is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg of sex scandals. In 2010, investigative journalist Carmello Abbate went undercover with a hidden camera to write a shocking exposé called “Good Nights Out for Gay Priests”.
Abbate caught the priests on hidden camera dirty dancing at private parties and engaging in sex acts with male escorts on church property. He also caught them emerging from dark bedrooms just in time to celebrate mass. In one postcoital scene, a priest parades around seminaked, wearing only his clerical vestments. “This is not about homosexuality,” Abbate told The Daily Beast when he published the exposé. “This is about private vices and public virtues. This is about serious hypocrisy in the Catholic Church.”
Because so much of the secret lives of gay priests is actually not so secret thanks to Abbate’s exposé and subsequent book, Sex and the Vatican, many are wondering what else could be hidden in the alleged red-covered dossier. Vatican elite have also been loosely tied to a number of other secular scandals during Benedict’s tenure, including the ultra-tawdry affair between former Lazio governor Piero Marrazzo and several transvestite prostitutes, including one named “Brenda” who was found burned to death in 2009.
UK's Top Cardinal, Keith O’Brien, Resigns—Who’s Next?
Keith O’Brien’s resignation as archbishop of Scotland—amid claims that he made advances toward priests—could be the first in a wave of scandals to plague the coming conclave.
Pedophilia scandals weigh on body to elect next pope
The scourge of abusive priests burst into the light of day more than a decade ago with a cascade of scandals rocking the Church worldwide, from Ireland to the United States, from Australia to the pope’s native Germany. The Vatican says it continues to receive around 600 claims against abusive priests every year, many of them dating back to the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
Editorial: A Cardinal’s Sins; Church’s Culture of Impunity
By now it is familiar news, though no less stomach-turning, that top officials in the Catholic Church protected pedophile priests for decades — impeding criminal investigations, shuffling offenders to new parishes or abroad, and resisting disclosure. In so doing, they exhibited little concern for victims of sex abuse, usually boys
Phi Beta Iota: There are differences between being gay (whether openly or not), having consensual relations with another gay adult, and pedophilia one on one, and pedophilia as a lifestyle that enables and perpetuates and extends the circle of pedophilia across multiple sectors of society. This is a counterintelligence issue, not only within religious counterintelligence, but within financial and governance counterintelligence. Skull & Bones is notorious for its bi-sexual and perverted practices as a form of humiliation and initiation; there are credible reports of flag-level homosexual cabals in the US military, with films as a form of discouraging whistle-blowing; and of course we have the intersection of human trafficking crime, sexual tourism, and the active inter-relations of the Catholic hierarchy in multiple countries with criminal gangs and elites who believe pedophilia is a “privilege” of their august status. The era of secrecy as a protector of legalized atrocity is coming to an end. Public counterintelligence is not only going to come into its own in the next decade, but the young, armed with digital devices the aged pedophiles barely understand, will begin to expose this scandalous underbelly of how government actually works to protect those guilty of crimes against children, rather than deter, convict, and expunge.
See Also:
Berto Jongman: Catholic Church — Dead or Just Comatose? + Catholic / Pedophilia RECAP
SchwartzReport: Catholic Church Has One Foot in Hell