Robert Steele @ Amazon: REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE – 30 Years in the Wilderness

EPIC FULL COLOR 8.5″ x 11″ From 1989 to 2019 — for 30 years — the author, himself a former CIA spy and Marine Corps intelligence officer as well as the senior civilian responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA), has sought to reform U.S. Intelligence. The secret world costs the U.S. taxpayer …

Zero Hedge: China’s Gold-Backed Crypto to Finish US Dollar? Or . . .

The Next Pearl Harbour? China’s Gold-Backed Crypto Currency Will Blindside US Dollar Recent, financial pundit and TV host Max Keiser outlined such a scenario, and warned that the US will be blind-sided the day that China introduces its gold-backed crypto currency – an absolute game changer which would create a “catastrophic trapdoor opening underneath the US economy,” said Keiser. …

Winslow Wheeler: Is Military Industrial Complex Stabbing President Donald Trump in the Back By Heavily Funding Bernie Sanders?

* Bernie Sanders is attracting more defense-related campaign contributions than all of his rivals, including Donald Trump. * Sanders’ margin is frequently large — puling in multiples of what others have received, including Donald Trump. * On multiple specific measures, Trump is performing poorly in attracting defense-related contributions compared to several Democrats.

Mongoose: Understanding Deep State / CIA Control of the Media — 50 Documented Points President of the United States of America Should Be Thinking About…

50 Facts Illustrating Mainstream Media’s Relationship With The US Government (CIA) EXTRACTS: Psychological operations in the form of journalism were perceived as necessary to influence and direct mass opinion, as well as elite perspectives. “[T]he President of the United States, the Secretary of State, Congressmen and even the Director of the CIA himself will read, …

Yoda: Two Divisive Trends – Unassimilated Immigrants Who Commit Treason, and Fake News False Flag Anything Goes Lies

Two Divisive Trends That Will Shape the New Decade The combination of “alternative facts” and not knowing what to believe begs the question: How does a nation that depends and thrives on the free flow of accurate information survive when “news” is suspect and self-selected by one’s party or political beliefs? What happens when “we …

Robert Steele: In 1989 General Al Gray and I Said the Narco-Threat Was a “Type” Threat That Had to Be Dealt With. We Were Ignored. Now President Trump is Taking Decisive Action

War Imminent After Trump Surrounds Mexico With Aircraft Carriers And Admits Conflict Declaration Ready* In 1989 Commandant of the Marine Corps Al Gray and I both recognized that the narcotics threat was a “type” threat that should not be ignored; and that intelligence justifying PPBE for “peaceful preventive measures” was needed. We were ignored.  CMC …