12 Reasons to Donate

SHARE THIS APPEAL PLEASE: http://tinyurl.com/EIN-12-Reasons DONATE: http://bigbatusa.org/donate 01 Non-Fiction Book Reviews Eternal access to over 2,500 non-fiction reviews carefully curated in many lists and also in each of 97 distinct categories — a free college education such as no college today offers and exclusive access to new book reviews — Robert removed all his reviews …

SPECIAL: Bill Binney Letter to AG Jefferson Sessions in May 2017 Breaking Open the NSA Database Against Traitors, Pedophiles, and White Collar Criminals

With the permission of Bill Binney, who is to NSA as I am to CIA, the below letter is provided to the public for information. We have redacted two sensitive sentences and contact information. There is a great deal more that could be done.  NSA did not contact Bill and NSA does not have a …

Zero Hedge: Silicon Valley Is Destroying American Democracy by Playing Political Favorites

Silicon Valley Is Destroying American Democracy by Playing Political Favorites Authored by Robert Bridge via The Strategic Culture Foundation, Perhaps it was expecting too much that the tech giants would check their political allegiances at the door to ensure fairness. Instead, they have let their political affinities disrupt the process every step of the way …

Robert Steele: Causes of Death — Deep Truth, Shallow Truth, Google Lies, and Media Lies — Four Levels of Analysis

I am so very excited by the prospect of creating regional Open Source Agencies. “The truth at any cost lowers all other costs.” I now see so very clearly that my nine years at the CIA followed by five years creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity followed by sixteen years of wandering in the wilderness …

Robert Steele: Is Big Pharma Liable for Chemical Castration with Diethylstilbesterol? Are Transgenders a Birth Defect Covered by ADA? Is Attacking Sperm & Testosterone an Act of War? Vatican Weighs In…

Responding to Owl: Names of the Rich White Perverts Funding the Transgender Ideology to Destroy Young Lives and Create a New Pharma-Surgical-Lifestyle Marketplace Alert Reader writes in: The possibility exists that these transgender males are the result of a teratogen and thus a birth defect covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Since this condition …