Antechinus: The Elite Coup of 2016 – Should Barack Obama Be Impeached?

The “Elite” Coup Of 2016 There is an “elite” coup attempt underway against the U.S. President-elect Trump. The coup is orchestrated by the camp of Hillary Clinton in association with the CIA and neoconservative powers in Congress. The plan is to use the CIA’s “Russia made Trump the winner” nonsense to swing the electoral college …

CounterPunch: Historical & Structural Reasons for Skepticism of CIA Claims – Remaining Agnostic on Claims of Russian Hackers

Historical & Structural Reasons for Skepticism of CIA Claims: Remaining Agnostic on Claims of Russian Hackers David Price Suddenly, many on the American left now embrace notions of a CIA led coup against a rogue President-elect; with little discussion of the CIA’s long history of interfering in elections, covertly undermining candidates not of their liking. …

Robert Steele: Fake News as Treason — An Indictment of CIA, NSA & Everyone Else…Russians Did Not Hack Election, This is a Coup in Progress…

With its latest attempt to de-rail the accidental but never-the-less legitimate election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America, CIA — John Brennan specifically and every senior executive not speaking up now to disown Brennan — has crossed the line into indictable treason. There is every reason now to close down …

Robert Steele: Is Blaming the Russians a Desperate Attempt to Cover Up US Intelligence Community Routine Spying on US Politicians Including the President?

Completely apart from Deep State – Two-Party Tyranny – Wall Street machinations against Donald Trump, the legitimately elected next President of the United States of America, the current efforts of the US Intelligence Community to blame the Russians for hacking the election are in my view a desperate attempt to distract everyone from the fact …

Stephen E. Arnold: Censoring Reality — From China to Europe, Facebook & Google Are Lead Censors…

When Censorship Means More Money, Facebook Leans In The article on Vanity Fair titled Facebook Is Reportedly Building a Censorship Tool to Win Over China suggests that the people nervous about what it will mean to address the fake news proliferation are correct. The fear that Facebook managing fake news stories might lead to actual …

Glenn Greenwald: Anonymous Leaks Are Not Evidence — A Sharp Critique of Fake News from the Washington Post

Anonymous Leaks to the WashPost About the CIA’s Russia Beliefs Are No Substitute for Evidence The Washington Post late Friday night published an explosive story that, in many ways, is classic American journalism of the worst sort: the key claims are based exclusively on the unverified assertions of anonymous officials, who in turn are disseminating their own claims …